Very often we find ourselves with feature vectors with large number of components. It is a general understanding and well received one that large number of features is very often a bad idea. Thus we should in most try to reduce the number of features we have in the dataset. Lesser number features can help understand the relationship between the input and output better and give less complicated model which require less resources to run.

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import math
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pickle
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os


The dataset we will be using is the HAPT data from UCI repository. It’s a Human Activity Recognition Dataset, which consists of 561 features 7767 train samples and 3162 test samples. The feature values are normalized between -1 and 1.

file = open("Saved Data/HAPT_Feature_Data.pickle", 'rb')
x_train, y_train, x_test, y_test = pickle.load(file)
tBodyAcc-Mean-1 tBodyAcc-Mean-2 tBodyAcc-Mean-3 tBodyAcc-STD-1 tBodyAcc-STD-2 tBodyAcc-STD-3 tBodyAcc-Mad-1 tBodyAcc-Mad-2 tBodyAcc-Mad-3 tBodyAcc-Max-1 ... fBodyGyroJerkMag-MeanFreq-1 fBodyGyroJerkMag-Skewness-1 fBodyGyroJerkMag-Kurtosis-1 tBodyAcc-AngleWRTGravity-1 tBodyAccJerk-AngleWRTGravity-1 tBodyGyro-AngleWRTGravity-1 tBodyGyroJerk-AngleWRTGravity-1 tXAxisAcc-AngleWRTGravity-1 tYAxisAcc-AngleWRTGravity-1 tZAxisAcc-AngleWRTGravity-1
count 7767.000000 7767.000000 7767.000000 7767.000000 7767.000000 7767.000000 7767.000000 7767.000000 7767.000000 7767.000000 ... 7767.000000 7767.000000 7767.000000 7767.000000 7767.000000 7767.000000 7767.000000 7767.000000 7767.000000 7767.000000
mean 0.038759 -0.000647 -0.018155 -0.599017 -0.634424 -0.691270 -0.623886 -0.657884 -0.740154 -0.360200 ... 0.161745 -0.316548 -0.625132 0.016774 0.018471 0.009239 -0.005184 -0.485936 0.050310 -0.052888
std 0.101996 0.099974 0.089927 0.441481 0.367558 0.321641 0.418113 0.348005 0.272619 0.499259 ... 0.237319 0.313899 0.302581 0.331326 0.443540 0.601208 0.477218 0.509278 0.300866 0.276196
min -1.000000 -1.000000 -1.000000 -1.000000 -1.000000 -1.000000 -1.000000 -1.000000 -1.000000 -1.000000 ... -0.958535 -1.000000 -1.000000 -0.976580 -1.000000 -1.000000 -1.000000 -1.000000 -1.000000 -0.987874
25% 0.032037 -0.011209 -0.028448 -0.992140 -0.983570 -0.984661 -0.992902 -0.984131 -0.986661 -0.795613 ... 0.020312 -0.548129 -0.843966 -0.108225 -0.261002 -0.470267 -0.373565 -0.810953 -0.047752 -0.140560
50% 0.038975 -0.002921 -0.019602 -0.914202 -0.827970 -0.827696 -0.924421 -0.838559 -0.852735 -0.717007 ... 0.170819 -0.353980 -0.710071 0.017627 0.029079 0.001515 -0.005503 -0.706619 0.176777 0.004583
75% 0.044000 0.004303 -0.011676 -0.246026 -0.313069 -0.450478 -0.294903 -0.362671 -0.540521 0.054178 ... 0.316240 -0.137462 -0.503837 0.167695 0.314876 0.496871 0.352690 -0.488765 0.246834 0.109507
max 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.945956 1.000000 1.000000 0.960341 1.000000 1.000000 ... 1.000000 0.938491 0.911653 1.000000 1.000000 0.998702 0.991288 1.000000 0.482229 1.000000

8 rows × 561 columns

tBodyAcc-Mean-1 tBodyAcc-Mean-2 tBodyAcc-Mean-3 tBodyAcc-STD-1 tBodyAcc-STD-2 tBodyAcc-STD-3 tBodyAcc-Mad-1 tBodyAcc-Mad-2 tBodyAcc-Mad-3 tBodyAcc-Max-1 ... fBodyGyroJerkMag-MeanFreq-1 fBodyGyroJerkMag-Skewness-1 fBodyGyroJerkMag-Kurtosis-1 tBodyAcc-AngleWRTGravity-1 tBodyAccJerk-AngleWRTGravity-1 tBodyGyro-AngleWRTGravity-1 tBodyGyroJerk-AngleWRTGravity-1 tXAxisAcc-AngleWRTGravity-1 tYAxisAcc-AngleWRTGravity-1 tZAxisAcc-AngleWRTGravity-1
count 3162.000000 3162.000000 3162.000000 3162.000000 3162.000000 3162.000000 3162.000000 3162.000000 3162.000000 3162.000000 ... 3162.000000 3162.000000 3162.000000 3162.000000 3162.000000 3162.000000 3162.000000 3162.000000 3162.000000 3162.000000
mean 0.040530 -0.001695 -0.019453 -0.609770 -0.631731 -0.711263 -0.636741 -0.654112 -0.758061 -0.358429 ... 0.162821 -0.284730 -0.595537 0.015090 0.021202 0.043183 -0.020684 -0.511371 0.067774 -0.045618
std 0.101559 0.102384 0.083897 0.405103 0.360294 0.284112 0.379665 0.342661 0.241093 0.479339 ... 0.221286 0.313079 0.309507 0.329827 0.442320 0.626639 0.501336 0.506231 0.326118 0.239647
min -0.751552 -0.962639 -0.814359 -0.999715 -0.999611 -0.999911 -0.999274 -0.999319 -0.999505 -0.893297 ... -1.000000 -0.997185 -0.985065 -1.000000 -0.993402 -0.998898 -0.990616 -0.983811 -0.914248 -1.000000
25% 0.031544 -0.011462 -0.028986 -0.990017 -0.979300 -0.981256 -0.991374 -0.980940 -0.983562 -0.793628 ... 0.029500 -0.522444 -0.828862 -0.111039 -0.252667 -0.493294 -0.438279 -0.828871 -0.007741 -0.096185
50% 0.038861 -0.002700 -0.019488 -0.807078 -0.686914 -0.738534 -0.828256 -0.707638 -0.778504 -0.673711 ... 0.176792 -0.322259 -0.681600 0.013685 0.032937 0.043555 -0.022624 -0.728029 0.175138 -0.005486
75% 0.043751 0.005224 -0.011233 -0.270904 -0.358639 -0.487716 -0.324933 -0.403433 -0.578883 0.052758 ... 0.313719 -0.095637 -0.452381 0.161560 0.316195 0.609499 0.387438 -0.528704 0.257544 0.094051
max 0.976950 0.989925 0.766017 0.465271 1.000000 0.848957 0.439686 1.000000 0.689027 0.909166 ... 0.984200 1.000000 1.000000 0.998898 0.986347 1.000000 1.000000 0.829446 1.000000 0.972160

8 rows × 561 columns

# converting the dataframes into numpy arrays
y_train = y_train.values
y_test = y_test.values

Univariate Selection

In univariate selection we use different statistical measures to measure the correlation between two variables. Here we measure the correlation between the features and the class labels. The most correlated features are marked by rank. The scikit-learn library provides the SelectKBest class that can be used with a suite of different statistical tests to select a specific number of features.

from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectKBest
from sklearn.feature_selection import chi2, f_classif, mutual_info_classif
The available scoring functions are 
For regression: f_regression, mutual_info_regression
For classification: chi2, f_classif, mutual_info_classif 

For chi2 measure the feature values must be non-negative

The methods based on F-test estimate the degree of linear dependency between two random
variables. On the other hand, mutual information methods can capture any kind of statistical
dependency, but they require more samples for accurate estimation.

Using a regression scoring function with a classification problem, we give useless

print("Before data shape {}".format(x_train.shape))

k_select = SelectKBest(f_classif, k=200)
k_fit =, y_train)

k_scores = pd.DataFrame(k_fit.scores_)
k_columns = pd.DataFrame(x_train.columns)

# concatenate the two dataframes
k_feature_scores = pd.concat([k_columns, k_scores], axis=1)
k_feature_scores.columns = ['Features', 'Score']

Before data shape (7767, 561)
# print the 50 best featurs for mutual_information measure, just change the 
# f_classify with mutual_info_classif
print(k_feature_scores.nlargest(50, 'Score'))
                           Features     Score
9                    tBodyAcc-Max-1  1.040566
89               tBodyAccJerk-Max-1  0.989803
381   fBodyAccJerk-BandsEnergyOld-1  0.963095
53                tGravityAcc-Min-2  0.948072
389   fBodyAccJerk-BandsEnergyOld-9  0.947161
50                tGravityAcc-Max-2  0.938974
90               tBodyAccJerk-Max-2  0.925289
229           tBodyAccJerkMag-Max-1  0.923134
271                  fBodyAcc-Mad-1  0.921421
92               tBodyAccJerk-Min-1  0.912167
310       fBodyAcc-BandsEnergyOld-9  0.911884
268                  fBodyAcc-STD-1  0.909825
393  fBodyAccJerk-BandsEnergyOld-13  0.909533
203               tBodyAccMag-Max-1  0.908645
216            tGravityAccMag-Max-1  0.908645
314      fBodyAcc-BandsEnergyOld-13  0.907935
12                   tBodyAcc-Min-1  0.905583
3                    tBodyAcc-STD-1  0.904722
281               fBodyAcc-Energy-1  0.904376
302       fBodyAcc-BandsEnergyOld-1  0.900154
265                 fBodyAcc-Mean-1  0.896168
16                tBodyAcc-Energy-1  0.895885
83               tBodyAccJerk-STD-1  0.895730
360           fBodyAccJerk-Energy-1  0.895420
93               tBodyAccJerk-Min-2  0.893954
171             tBodyGyroJerk-Max-3  0.892226
96            tBodyAccJerk-Energy-1  0.891629
6                    tBodyAcc-Mad-1  0.887885
347              fBodyAccJerk-STD-1  0.886659
94               tBodyAccJerk-Min-3  0.886502
174             tBodyGyroJerk-Min-3  0.884669
86               tBodyAccJerk-Mad-1  0.882345
344             fBodyAccJerk-Mean-1  0.882204
287                 fBodyAcc-ropy-1  0.881254
350              fBodyAccJerk-Mad-1  0.879969
230           tBodyAccJerkMag-Min-1  0.876834
233           tBodyAccJerkMag-IQR-1  0.875518
91               tBodyAccJerk-Max-3  0.874960
256          tBodyGyroJerkMag-Min-1  0.874171
255          tBodyGyroJerkMag-Max-1  0.872292
169             tBodyGyroJerk-Max-1  0.871754
274                  fBodyAcc-Max-1  0.871643
234          tBodyAccJerkMag-ropy-1  0.866766
228           tBodyAccJerkMag-Mad-1  0.866394
172             tBodyGyroJerk-Min-1  0.865644
353              fBodyAccJerk-Max-1  0.865535
503               fBodyAccMag-STD-1  0.864301
99               tBodyAccJerk-IQR-1  0.863093
226          tBodyAccJerkMag-Mean-1  0.862525
231           tBodyAccJerkMag-SMA-1  0.862525
# print the 50 best featurs for f_classfiy measure
print(k_feature_scores.nlargest(50, 'Score'))
                        Features         Score
366          fBodyAccJerk-ropy-1  14496.239726
40            tGravityAcc-Mean-1  12054.131140
367        fBodyAccJerk-ropy-1.1  11306.825668
49             tGravityAcc-Max-1  11065.679008
52             tGravityAcc-Min-1  11031.900335
56          tGravityAcc-Energy-1  10720.464105
234       tBodyAccJerkMag-ropy-1   9814.528595
523       fBodyAccJerkMag-ropy-1   9682.241808
102          tBodyAccJerk-ropy-1   9523.607692
287              fBodyAcc-ropy-1   9418.547047
9                 tBodyAcc-Max-1   8671.414741
104        tBodyAccJerk-ropy-1.2   8157.204363
368        fBodyAccJerk-ropy-1.2   8025.484573
271               fBodyAcc-Mad-1   8024.732276
103        tBodyAccJerk-ropy-1.1   7942.885584
3                 tBodyAcc-STD-1   7708.283718
558  tXAxisAcc-AngleWRTGravity-1   7688.959321
280               fBodyAcc-SMA-1   7664.668858
265              fBodyAcc-Mean-1   7271.657144
268               fBodyAcc-STD-1   6981.717609
200           tBodyAccMag-Mean-1   6711.954898
205            tBodyAccMag-SMA-1   6711.954898
213        tGravityAccMag-Mean-1   6711.954898
218         tGravityAccMag-SMA-1   6711.954898
6                 tBodyAcc-Mad-1   6653.273981
15                tBodyAcc-SMA-1   6642.539739
288            fBodyAcc-ropy-1.1   6490.443702
510           fBodyAccMag-ropy-1   6275.685439
226       tBodyAccJerkMag-Mean-1   6012.889757
231        tBodyAccJerkMag-SMA-1   6012.889757
95            tBodyAccJerk-SMA-1   5903.222356
184       tBodyGyroJerk-ropy-1.2   5880.204260
228        tBodyAccJerkMag-Mad-1   5800.225498
359           fBodyAccJerk-SMA-1   5784.397398
83            tBodyAccJerk-STD-1   5725.835979
203            tBodyAccMag-Max-1   5704.186208
216         tGravityAccMag-Max-1   5704.186208
86            tBodyAccJerk-Mad-1   5695.291359
289            fBodyAcc-ropy-1.2   5650.141394
344          fBodyAccJerk-Mean-1   5531.241992
233        tBodyAccJerkMag-IQR-1   5407.956917
347           fBodyAccJerk-STD-1   5386.003335
227        tBodyAccJerkMag-STD-1   5385.158618
350           fBodyAccJerk-Mad-1   5383.402360
272               fBodyAcc-Mad-2   5349.873965
502           fBodyAccMag-Mean-1   5288.676934
507            fBodyAccMag-SMA-1   5288.676934
504            fBodyAccMag-Mad-1   5266.209025
266              fBodyAcc-Mean-2   5262.554965
87            tBodyAccJerk-Mad-2   5254.592044

Feature Importance

We can also get the importance of each feature from the ‘'’feature_importances_’’’ or ‘'’coef_’’ attributes of any estimators that has it. The features can be considered unimportant and removed, if the corresponding ‘'’coef_’’’ or ‘'’feature_importances_’’’ values are below any threshold. We can specify the threshold numerically or use some heruistics to find it. The the Tree based estimaters can be used to compute feature importances with their ‘'’feature_importances_’’’ attribute.

from sklearn.ensemble import ExtraTreesClassifier
from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectFromModel
xtra_clf = ExtraTreesClassifier(n_estimators=100), y_train)
ExtraTreesClassifier(bootstrap=False, class_weight=None, criterion='gini',
           max_depth=None, max_features='auto', max_leaf_nodes=None,
           min_impurity_decrease=0.0, min_impurity_split=None,
           min_samples_leaf=1, min_samples_split=2,
           min_weight_fraction_leaf=0.0, n_estimators=100, n_jobs=1,
           oob_score=False, random_state=None, verbose=0, warm_start=False)
# plot the graph of feature importance of the Extra Tree Classifier
xtra_feature_importance = pd.Series(xtra_clf.feature_importances_, index=x_train.columns)
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
# let's select the features that are important as per the Extra Tree classifier
select_model = SelectFromModel(xtra_clf, prefit=True)
x_train_xtra = select_model.transform(x_train)
print("After xtra shape {}".format(x_train_xtra.shape))
After xtra shape (7767, 158)

Correlation Matrix with Heatmap

Correlation gives us a measure of how two quantities are related to each other. What we want to here is to discover the correlated features in the dataset. If two features say x_1 and x_2 are highly correleated then we can ignore either one of them as we gain no information using them both to build the model and most probably we may be degrading the model by using them together. Correlation can be positive (i.e., increase x_1 shows increase in x_2) or negative (i.e., increase in x_1 shows decrease in x_2 or vice-versa).

Heatmap makes it easy to identify which features are correlated to each other. We will use the Seaborn library to show the heat map. Since the original 561 features is very large we will just show the correlation between first 10 features.

import seaborn as sns
x_train_heat = x_train.drop(columns=x_train.columns[10:])
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
sns.heatmap(x_train_heat.corr(), annot=True, fmt=".2f")

From the heatmap we can see that the features tBodyAcc-Mean-1, tBodyAcc-Mean-2 and tBodyAcc-Mean-3 are highly uncorrelated. The features tBodyAcc-Max1 and tBodyAcc-STD-1 are higly correlated with correlation of 0.97. We can use this to select out the uncorrelated featurse and decrease the dimension of the data.